LUDENS(ルーデンス)株式会社が展開する、日本酒 x お茶を掛け合わせた新しいジャンルのお酒「SAKE TEA」ブランドのパッケージデザインを担当させて頂きました。LUDENS、そしてSAKE TEAは洗練されたアロマ、蜜や果物のような柔らかな甘味、穏やかなアルコールが、大切な人との特別な時間を彩る。そんなお酒をつくりたいという想いから産まれた会社でありブランドです。
LUDENS Corporation has designed the packaging for the SAKE TEA brand, a new genre of alcoholic beverage that is a cross between sake and tea. The refined aroma, soft sweetness like honey and fruits, and mild alcohol will color your special time with your loved ones. LUDENS and SAKE TEA are a company and a brand born from the desire to create such alcoholic beverages.
The product packages we designed this time are for two brands, "Kutsurogi no Toki" and "Celebration no Toki". The two types of sake not only differ in taste and aroma, but also in the theme of their names, which are connected to a scene.
The theme of the "Time of Relaxation" sakes is the calming aroma of a bonfire. It was selected for its sweet roasted aroma and its compatibility with aromatic food, a scene (night sky and bonfire) that evokes a relaxing adult time. And "Celebration Time," as its name suggests, is a sake with the aroma of a gorgeous bouquet of festive flowers and a touch of sweetness. We selected scenes that evoke a sense of luster and the shadows of petals to make it appropriate for festive occasions.
In addition, the common direction of the brand is a strong awareness of the mixing of the different characteristics of sake (Japanese) and tea (Western). While the bottle shape and editorial are Western-style and minimalistic, elements that convey a sense of harmony are also retained, such as the photograph composed of circles and the distinctive single kanji character. We aimed to create new value created by combining and cutting down.